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Health Optimisation

Juvenology Clinic provides a bespoke and evidence-based service, specializing in men and women's health and well-being.  


Services provided include:


  • Baseline health-screening consultations

  • Health span and longevity assessments

  • Sports performance

  • Muscle building and fat-loss

  • PED (performance-enhancing drugs) safety

  • Blood work analysis

  • Genova diagnostics

  • Radiological and cardiological imaging referral 

  • Referral to specialist consultant colleagues and allied medical health professionals

Precision Blood Investigations


Juvenology Clinic provides a comprehensive blood profiling service.


  1. Are you interested in your general health and well-being?

  2. Are you considering, or using Performance PEDs?


We provide blood analysis tailored to your individual needs.


  1. All samples are taken in clinic by highly experienced nurse

  2. Samples delivered personally to lab on the same day by clinic staff

  3. CQC inspected NHS lab used for precision results

  4. Data interpretation offered and copy of original pathology documentation emailed to client


At the Juvenology Clinic we don't offer 'mail order pin-prick' or 'saliva tests', which are vastly inferior and inaccurate.


Price includes  In-house phlebotomy, laboratory transportation, pathology lab report and interpretation of results.



Here is a selection of popular  blood profiles requested:



Internal health screen £135


Full blood count, Electrolytes, Renal function, Liver function, Fasting Lipid profile


Men's hormonal axis assessment  £195


Serum Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Luteinising hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone, Prolactin, Oestradiol, Serum hormone binding globulin, Thyroid function, Liver function



Women's health stack  £195


Full blood count, Electrolytes, Renal function, Liver function, Lipid profile, Thyroid function, Ferritin, Vitamin B12, Folate, HBa1c, Fasting Glucose



Women's hormonal axis assessment £195 (Sample taken at ~day 21 of cycle)


Luteinising hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone, Oestradiol, Progesterone, Prolactin, Testosterone,  Serum hormone binding globulin, Thyroid function.



Metabolic function assessment  £250 (Taken at Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust)


Full blood count, Electrolytes, Renal function, Liver function, Fasting Glucose, Fasting Lipid profile, HBa1C, C reactive protein, Fasting cortisol, Homocysteine



Vegan health assessment £310


Full blood count, Electrolytes, Renal function, Liver function, Lipid profile, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Ferritin, Vitamin B12, Folate, Vitamin D3



Bodybuilder Elite stack  £325


Full blood count, Electrolytes, Renal function, Liver function, Fasting Lipid profile, Fasting Glucose, Testosterone, Oestradiol, Prolactin, Thyroid function, IGF-1,



Men's health comprehensive stack  £285


Full blood count, Electrolytes, Renal function, Liver function, Lipid profile, C-reactive protein, Hba1c, Glucose, Serum testosterone, Vitamin D3, Prostatic specific antigen



Tests available include:


Full blood count     


Renal function


Liver function tests

Fasting Lipid profile

Serum Calcium

Serum Phosphate

Serum Magnesium

 Serum Zinc

Serum Iron

Uric acid

Thyroid function tests

Thyroid antibodies

Coeliac screen


C-reactive protein

Rheumatoid factor

Serum Ferritin

Vitamin B12


Fasting Glucose

Haemoglobin A1c

Luteinising Hormone

Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Serum Testosterone

Serum Oestradiol

Serum Progesterone

Serum Prolactin

Free Testosterone

Serum hormone binding globulin

Insulin-like growth factor 1

Prostate specific antigen




Blood film haematological analysis



Results available in 1-2 working days (IGF-1, Coeliac screen, Zinc ~2 weeks)

Genova Diagnostics

Here at Juvenology Clinic, we provide cutting-edge diagnostic tests supplied by Genova Diagnostic Lab UK, based in New Malden, Surrey. 


Investigations available are ground breaking in terms of the information they can provide, allowing us to undertake a more thorough assessment and give detailed advice related to wellness and performance.


Tests include, food allergy/sensitivity testing, heavy metals toxicology, stool analysis, blood lipid analysis etc.


Further information on test individual test availability is at



Doctor Writing Prescription

Sports Performance and Wellness Checks

Here at Juvenology Clinic we provide tailored health assessments to suit your personal requirements.

Perhaps you want a baseline check on your health parameters, aiming to get fitter, lose weight, preparing for a sporting event/bodybuilding show, taking PEDs, or possibly health span and longevity have become important to you.

At consultation we will carefully review the following areas - achievable goals, individual medical history and previous family medical issues, medications and supplements, diet, social factors, in conjunction with a thorough physical examination.

On review of clinic findings and blood analysis, I will provide you with a bespoke 'evidence-based' plan on how to address any underlying medical issues uncovered and aid attaining your chosen goal.


Assessment Includes:

In-depth questionnaire review

Cardiology exam

Respiratory exam

Abdominal exam

Blood pressure

Blood oxygen saturation


Urine analysis



Consultation £150

Blood-profiling charges (see separate section on various example bundles)

Electrocardiogram £95

Genova diagnostic testing (on request)

Diagnostic imaging (on request)

Specialist referral/letters etc. post consultation findings £20

Private prescription charge £20 (Dispensing charge separate)



Here at Juvenology Clinic, we regularly see as part of our clinical practice, patients who use PEDs in conjunction with their training regime. Juvenology Clinic does not promote this practice, however understands that clients will continue to use these substances professionally and recreationally.

Our job ethically as medical professionals,  is to educate our clients, so they can make their own decisions on PED use, to keep them as safe as possible and treat any potential complications appropriately.

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